“Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”
As a life long tea (actually CherryCoke Zero) drinker I guess I can ignore this verse. You may not know why but I’m sure you know that’s not true. It is at our own peril that we dismiss any passage as missing truth and meaning for us individually. Alcohol may not be my thing but plenty of other things in life can and have made me stupid. I do want to point out that even as an ordained Southern Baptist I’m fully aware this verse dose not prohibit drinking, just stupid drinking. I don’t believe the rest of scripture does either. There are numerous things the world offers to draw our eyes away from Jesus and our hearts away from His truth. Hobbies, friends, power and money are but a few examples of what is out there that satan can use to lead us astray. Today take stock of what is vying for your attention and be sure you keep it subservient to your Lord. #BeTheEdge
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Jesus