“Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.”
We can certainly debate the availability of gold and the abundance of rubies. I have not personally seen much gold in my life, maybe a few rings, chains and other jewelry. Whatever your experience with these valuables Solomon’s point is clearly that sources of Gods knowledge and wisdom, literally vessels that contain it, are few and can be difficult to find. Over my life I have run across a lot of men and women who are put forth as great sources of knowledge. Over time and for a variety of reasons they turned out to not be what they were initially perceived to be. However out of that journey a few began to rise above the noise of the others. Their counsel and teaching proved true and enduring. They spoke with great wisdom and insight, most often from a life of experience in walking in God’s truth. Those, though few, have proven to be much more valuable than any objects of perceived value. I know some people enjoy pondering their wealth and jewels. I love reflecting on those who speak knowledge and wisdom into my journey, especially at hard times. I have to admit that when I’m able to grab a breakfast or lunch with them I’m always ready to listen, learn and be challenged. God’s greatest gifts come through the relationships He blesses us with. Today value and pursue wise friends. #BeTheEdge
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 NIV