“A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.”
I’m a pretty positive guy. Sometimes it can annoy the people closest to me. That being said I recently read an article that started with this statement, “…your feelings are lying to you. My feelings are lying to me too. Feelings are complicated and often detached from reality. Our brains are hardwired for negativity. We remember the bad stuff. We dwell on it.” Yep, I definitely have those emotional and mental battles. In the article the writer discusses ways to counter these false thoughts. There were some pretty good strategies for doing this. Solomon gives us the best reality check in this verse. As we dive into God’s word we encounter truth, 100%, unadulterated, straight truth. It is there to be a filter on our thoughts and to turn all of them to the reality of right and wrong. Because God reads us at our very core we can trust His version of “right” in our story. We already know we can’t trust ours apart from Him filtering it. The article ended with this statement, “We aren’t stupid but we can think stupid things. We get hung up on lies.” Satan tells us lies about ourselves as well as what is right and wrong. It is incumbent on us to recognize the truth that we just don’t know what is coming from broken places in our story and what isn’t. Today take every thought captive and run it through your creators Truth. #BeTheEdge
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV