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Proverbs 21:20 NIV

By August 21, 2023No Comments

“The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.”

During Covid I ended up with a closet full of toilet paper. It wasn’t the goal but every time I went to the grocery store if there was some on the shelf I grabbed a package. Needless to say I haven’t bought any in a couple years. I’m not sure that made me wise but with a large family in the area it did feel prudent, unnecessary but I like to think myself prudent. This is not really what Solomon is referring to in this verse. He is certainly telling us to prepare for the future but his emphasis is on how we see our responsibility to manage God’s possessions in our life. As a wise person who saves, invests and plans we are prepared to not only provide for ourselves and loved ones, an admirable way to operate, but also to more freely exercise hospitality and pursue Kingdom goals through investing in and supporting Kingdom work and people. There is over 2000 verses in the Bible about money and possessions. That is more than twice as many as there are about faith and prayer. And love is mentioned 574 times. Seems God wants us to understand His heart on finances. As most of us I’ve witnessed the difference between those who discipline their spending and selfish financial pursuits and those who carefully manage God’s resources in their lives. Often it is about whose resources they believe they have, theirs or God’s. That simple perspective shift can produce powerful results. Today live as a steward. #BeTheEdge

“‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” Haggai 2:8 NIV

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