“The wicked put up a bold front, but the upright give thought to their way.”
Self reflection is a bit of a missing art these days. Social media, a zillion channels of streaming entertainment and all the other things designed to get the average person focused on a product, service or other distraction keeps many people from the discipline of quiet solitude and self examination. We simply have turned our thoughts over to others control. Yet it’s often in the still, quiet moments that God’s Spirit chooses to speak. If we no longer listen we no longer hear. Pretty basic truth. Thankfully, in the same way I would create opportunities for my children to hear me with undivided attention God, in His magnificent love, does that with us. Also like me with them, it is not always pleasant. The wicked person in this verse ignores God and His rebuke. He hardens his heart to the truth and instruction that is given to save his life and preserve his soul. This for Solomon is talking about someone who is even worse than that. They actually pretend they are right when they know they’re wrong. Today take time to reflect and allow God to give you a correct view of your life.#BeTheEdge
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” Jesus