“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”
Being a kingdom person rather than playing the religious game is at the heart of Solomon’s writing here, as well as in many other places. Jesus felt the same way. When Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple, He was actually going against an acceptable practice approved by the religious leaders. He was rebelling against the religiosity of the day in favor of the compassionate and righteous heart of God. This act caused Jesus to be hated even more and contributed to the ultimate death penalty He received. Jesus went against the established religious order. Jesus’ birth, as remembered in our Christmas reflections, was not in accordance with religious patterns. Instead, God disregarded all traditions, although it was entirely consistent with what He had promised throughout the Old Testament and with who He actually is. No pomp or circumstance. No religious titles or ceremonies. Just a quiet (if a host of angels can be called quiet) and secluded setting in a cave behind a packed inn—the place where the earth-changing drama of Christ’s arrival began. A very average-looking builder’s son, raised in obscurity, launched the eternal Kingdom of God on our planet. Right and just were born on Christmas Day, and sacrifice certainly followed 33 years later. Sacrifice is not wrong as long as it reflects a Godly heart. Today, let God reign in your story. #BeTheEdge
“For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6 NIV