“The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.”
I have always loved the imagery in this verse. Much more so in Solomon’s day they were very accustomed to battle preparation. Also in his day it was very hands on. Most men understood the idea, and had witnessed it if not actually done it. Putting the armor, saddle and weapons on their horse as they readied to go into battle. It was a very defined process and it was vital. No one would foolishly go into battle without preparing for it. We live in a world that is always at battle spiritually. Lewis said that you can picture any square inch in the universe and it belongs to either God or Satan and regardless of who it currently belongs to it is being fought over now. This includes the 3,168 square inches occupied by the average size human – you and me. The battle rages over you, your life here and now and especial your eternal soul. Thankfully we have been given great resources to prepare for this battle: God’s word, brothers and sisters in Christ, strong teachers and leaders as well as the full armor of God (Eph. 6). It is our responsibility to prepare for this battle. However, the great news is that the outcome is ultimately in our Savior’s hands. The victory was won on the cross and through the empty tomb. Today fight the battle and find power and confidence in your leaders guaranteed outcome. #BeTheEdge
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10 NIV