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Christian Life

Proverbs 22:4 NASB

By January 22, 2021No Comments

“The reward of humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor, and life.” Proverbs 22:4 NASB


Humility is a correct view of oneself while fear of the Lord is a correct view of God. Humility is not a low view of ourselves. In working with teenagers years ago, I used to try to help them forget about whether they had a good or bad self-image. There are a lot of things in and out of our control that could turn a good self-image into a bad self-image in an instant. Getting cut from a team, failing a test, a breakup with your girl or boy friend. Adults face the same type of challenges only at an adult level. Job loss, marriage struggles, or failure; I’ve even seen someone’s golf score affect their self-image. Any number of challenges can tap into childhood patterns and set someone on a downward spiral. What we need to focus on instead of our self-image, which is meaningless, is our God image and how He sees us. In the context of today and eternity, isn’t that what really matters? If you want to feel good about yourself, humbly recognize that it is not what you do that makes you incredibly special, loved, and valued. Just look at what the Creator of the universe says about you. Add to that the fact that He bought your eternal friendship with the life of His Son, and you should walk through today and every day feeling like the child of the King, because you are! Add to that truth the reality of who He is, the One who loves you most, and you can count yourself the top recipient of riches, honor, and life. Today, recognize and humbly live like the triumphant and valued child of God you are. #BeTheEdge


“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.” 1 John 3:1a NASB

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