“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”
The generous in this verse refers to those who look at the wants and needs of others with compassion and kindness. To truly appreciate this verse it is important to understand what Solomon means by “blessed”. His point is not that the generous will receive ‘things’. They may but his point is that the kind person will receive sustenance in this life and be blessed well into eternity. The beauty of this kind of person is that they are not sharing so as to receive anything in return. They are acutely aware that they are already living a blessed life. Part of this blessing is a community that, at times unbeknownst to them, is aware of and blessed by their kindness as well. As we head toward the end of the year the usual holiday food drives will be starting up. They are a great reminder of how blessed we are and for us to look for practical ways to share. Maybe quietly paying a water or power bill. Perhaps donating food to a family that could use it. It can be as simple as going through your closets and finding jackets you or your family no longer need and donating them to a school. The Edge working with True North clubs has done this for years and will again this Fall as the need continues. Today let the Spirit show you how to share a kindness. #BeTheEdge
“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Jesus