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Proverbs 24:21 NIV

By September 24, 2023No Comments

“Fear the Lord and the king, my son, and do not join with rebellious officials,” Proverbs‬ ‭

The words for “rebellious officials” may better be translated as “those who think differently”. This one is tough and incredibly relevant today. Solomon is telling either his son or perhaps a student to love and obey God and, here it comes, government officials. Now I have no problem locally. I know and trust our Mayors and police chiefs. However, once you get out of town it becomes a bit tougher to believe I’m to obey ‘those’ folks. I’ve always been intrigued by scripture that commands us to obey our parents. In every instance it is an unqualified command. It doesn’t say obey them if they are kind, smart, agree with us or even if they are right. The command from God is to honor Him by simply obeying them. If they are truly abusive, evil or dangerous we have higher truth to follow. In over 40 years of working with thousands of teens I might have seen 5 cases that fit this description. I saw hundreds of teens that acted like their parents did though. The reality of this verse is similar. With a Political Science degree I could articulate many examples where I feel certain leaders are wrong. As a minister I can even craft pretty good arguments where certain policies are sin. There are many who think like me. There are just as many who don’t. Find your positions in your best understanding of God’s truth. Vote that way. Then trust God to be bigger than our fragile democracy and love Jesus and be kind. If you do that you will be keeping the two greatest commandments and isn’t that really what God calls us to today…and tomorrow? Today stay above the fray. #BeTheEdge

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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