“for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.”
Not many people put drunkard and glutton on their resume. Probably exactly no one, at least not if they are serious about wanting a job. You also do not see either of these on any spiritual gifts lists in the New Testament. I know those examples sound ridiculous, however it is amazing how many people living that lifestyle still feel entitled to jobs or at least being provided for. This is not about judgment. I leave that to God. As a matter of fact I feel compelled by the Spirit of God often to give a helping hand to some people in this condition. This verse, as most of scripture, is to remind us of living a life different from this description. Even this person was born with gifts and talents. Except for a few choices that perhaps set them on this path to get were infused with all the God given promise that the rest of us are. I just wrote in that last sentence, ‘but for a few choices’ because Satan knows each of our sweet spots. He knows where we are the most vulnerable to stumble and make a choice that starts us down a path that leads to some version of the person Solomon describes. I would suspect you know what those areas are in your life. If not this is a great place to involve your accountability person. Today examine those areas and be sure you have not cracked the door to the enemy. #BeTheEdge
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 NIV