“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”
Kind of reads like a game of hide and seek between God and kings. God hides it and then the kings uncover their eyes and go looking. Maybe a better analogy is Easter morning when adults hide eggs and candy and excited bundles of young energy bolt forth looking in great anticipation for the hidden treasures. Early in my Christian life I figured everything out related to life in the spiritual realm. Pause…realize the absurdity of that last sentence. I am amazed at how sure I was in my understanding of spiritual issues. As I grew over the years I became aware of how little I truly understood of God and His ways. As a matter of fact the more I learned the more I realized how little I knew for certain. Today I know God created me for a relationship with Him. My sin separated me from that relationship. Jesus died to pay for my sin and restore that relationship and finally I needed to receive that free gift from God. I’ve also found there is true joy in discovering a nugget of God’s character and truth as I search for Him. God’s glory is availed to us in searching it out. Today dig deep and look for Him. You will not be disappointed. #BeTheEdge
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 NIV