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Proverbs 25:26 NIV

By October 25, 2021No Comments

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.” 


One of my favorite ministries puts wells in third world communities. They identify places where clean water is not readily available and the water that is there is so dirty and polluted that it is dangerous. There was clean water there but once dirt or pollutants had been introduced to the water source they ended up with a former life giving, essential resource replaced by filth and, in some cases, poison. Solomon compares this awful situation with the follower of God who represents the excellence of our Father only to yield to temptation and soil their soul and their witness. In so doing they confuse the world, cause some to stumble and even bring disrepute on the name of Christ. Having once been a reflection of the pure source of life and truth they are now a confusing, distorted, dangerous caricature of who we serve. They end up making God look small and His death a waste.  The beauty of the God we serve is that He stands always ready to redeem and restore. In the same way that the ministry that provides clean water in the third world brings the much needed, life giving resource to the thirsty, God will bring fresh cleansing to those who wandered off. He loves restoring the broken. Today stand firm in your faith and allow a thirsty world to find clean refreshment in your example. #BeTheEdge

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Jesus

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