“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
There is a whole industry, perhaps that’s the wrong term, of people who claim they can tell your future. Site after site online claim to give accurate predictions of your future. Scripture calls it divination and clearly tells us to stay away from it. There are two takes on knowing the future for God’s followers. Spurgon wrote, “Happy for us is it that our eyes cannot penetrate the thick veil which God hangs between us and tomorrow, that we cannot see beyond the spot where we now are, and that, in a certain sense, we are utterly ignorant as to the details of the future. We may indeed be thankful for our ignorance.” His position is that if we knew good was coming we would waste today in waiting for that good. From the other side he warns that if we knew bad was coming we could dampen the joy of today fretting about what was to come. Some do that anyway without really knowing what is in store. When my wife was battling cancer we knew “odds” we not on our side that she would survive the battle. We chose to adopt a culture of life around our families journey knowing that what would come would be 100% determined by our loving Father. She went to heaven but we never sat in bondage to fear and sadness throughout her battle. Today live knowing your future is ultimately in God’s hands and you will one day stand face to face with Him. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV