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Proverbs 27:13 NIV

By January 27, 2023No Comments

“Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.”

One commentary discusses this verse by saying “an honest man may be made a beggar but he is no honest man who makes himself one.” Huh? I mean I really had to spend some time putting that together with this verse. After pondering it and reading more commentaries I began to understand what the writer is cautioning his son about. Incidentally Solomon felt strongly enough about this truth to be repeating it word for word from chapter 20 verse 16. Obviously it is a good idea to protect your investment or loan with something of value. That being said a deeper thought is that we are all responsible for using wisdom and caution in business. There is a school of thought that could potentially lead to thinking unwise business practices can mean we are better Christians. One of the Hallmarks of The Edge Biblical Worldview training is Give. The point explored is to give the essence of the Kingdom of God to those we encounter through our companies. The key disciplines have to do with how we treat people. Not what we give or even loan them. Obviously we are to give of our resources. That is a key part of stewarding God’s resources. To give resources to someone takes great wisdom. It can be easy to hurt someone by handing them something they are not equipped to manage, whether money, responsibilities or even certain products. Giving without God’s leading is foolish. Giving as He leads is a beautiful reflection of His heart and Kingdom. Today be wise with what God has placed you in responsibility over and be generous. #BeTheEdge

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

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