“The rich are wise in their own eyes; one who is poor and discerning sees how deluded they are.”
More accurately this verse tells us that certain rich people are blinded by conceit. They foolishly attribute their wealth and position to their effort and abilities alone. A discerning follower of God can see that all they have comes as a result of God’s favor. The first principle of The Edge Biblical Worldview for Business Leaders is that God created everything. This truth includes not only us but our success as well. Apart from Him the rich would be unable to build anything. First and foremost a recognition that we could have been created without the ability or the life position to build a business is critical. Also knowing that apart from God’s divine involvement a million tiny and large decisions and incidents could have been easily rearranged. There are so many elements to our success that can be assigned to chance or “luck”. As believers we understand that there is no such thing as luck, that’s a pagan custom. What we recognize is the involvement of a sovereign God. Today reflect on God’s hand in your story. #BeTheEdge
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth…”Deuteronomy 8:18a NIV