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Christian Life

Proverbs 2:9 NIV

By November 2, 2020No Comments

“Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.” Proverbs 2:9 NIV


We just passed the 175th anniversary of the first journey on the famous Oregon Trail. There have been many movies, TV shows, and other adventures that take place on or related to the old route, established to move over 400,000 Americans to a new opportunity and adventure. The ruts from that period of time in the 1800’s before the trail was replaced, primarily by the new train travel option, are still deeply embedded in the ground. In this verse Solomon uses the word ‘mahal’ which literally means track or rut; it refers to cart tracks or wagon ruts. Future travelers are obliged to follow in these tracks while traveling the same trail. We all make tracks and ruts throughout our lives as we, too, travel certain paths. Wisdom helps us create good and effective tracks, as well as godly tracks, too. Part of the reason that we struggle to change our destructive and sinful behaviors when we come to Christ is, depending on how long we have practiced certain behaviors, we have built ruts. Some of us have built 8-lane highways. We partner with the Holy Spirit to take sledgehammers and dynamite to those old trails and begin to travel new ones that He directs us on that lead to life. Today, allow God to get you out of the old ruts and put you on a new path to life, love, and peace. #BeTheEdge


“In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.” Exodus 15:13 NIV

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