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Proverbs 29:1 NIV

By December 29, 2021No Comments

“Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.”

Hey I get it, all the comments about wanting next year to “go back to normal.” But seriously, were past years really how you want the rest of your story to be written? God certainly doesn’t. His plan is to continue creating the newer more improved version of you.

We resist that because, let’s face it, change can be uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. My old Ed Psych professor use to say that until staying the same is more painful than changing, we won’t go through the effort of change. I see the truth in that but as followers of Christ we follow a bigger truth, The Truth. First, we go through change to be conformed to the image of Jesus because it is God working in us to give us the desire and then the strength to change (Phil 2:13). Secondly, we go through the effort to change out of love for the one who loved us enough to die to give us the opportunity to become like Him. If we resist we will crumble under the weight of our own sin and rebellion. Thankfully in this new year it’s not about keeping resolutions in our own strength. Never happen. It’s about yielding to His Spirit and becoming who He created us to be. Today resolve to walk into this New Year’s journey intimately with your Savior and celebrate His work as He writes your story. #BeTheEdge

“He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son.” Rom 8:29 MSG

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