“The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor, the wicked does not understand such concern.” Proverbs 29:7 NASB
In the past few days, I have seen people who are notoriously silent on political and social issues speak out. They have spoken with a single voice. Oh, there have been a few disparate comments, but I can literally count them on one hand. I have been humbled and greatly encouraged to witness a wave of righteous indignation about a singular act, undoubtedly not the only act but in this case, the match that lit a spirit’s flame. It remains to be seen, but I believe something broke out and is seeping or springing forth for long overdue recognition. God uses death to bring about new life. It is who He is. As with most things in His kingdom we can ignore His work or as Henry Blackerby said, “See where He is at work and join Him in it.” God’s heart is focused on all of His children, but Jesus made it crystal clear that He has a deep, tender place for the poor, the broken, the hurting, and the oppressed. Therefore, we should too. Today, see God at work in the crushing darkness and carry His light boldly forward. #BeTheEdge