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Proverbs 30:23 NIV

By November 30, 2023No Comments

“a contemptible woman who gets married, and a servant who displaces her mistress.”

These are two of the things we are told the world cannot stand up under. That seems a little extreme at first glance. I mean if someone is not paying enough attention to realize they are marrying a person worthy of scorn or any of the other definitions Webster gives for contemptible perhaps they should figure it out although a servant displacing her mistress does seem a bit tough though. The contemptuous woman in this verse becomes intolerable to her family and friends after most likely suffering mistreatment before she was married. She is assumed to have hidden it until she feels safely in her relationship. I have hired people like this. They are great at selling themselves and concealing their bitterness until they are hired and think it is now safe to be who they really are. Many good leaders have spent considerable time, money and employee relational capital trying to redeem this person only to discover it was not possible. I reference many good leaders doing this because great leaders don’t cotton to this foolish person and cut them loose quickly. The world may quake under the burden of their presence but a company can be destroyed by them. Be compassionate at work, prayerful in all circumstances but ultimately set Biblical boundaries and act accordingly. Today prayerfully consider all relationships before diving in. #BeTheEdge

“I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.” Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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