“If you play the fool and exalt yourself, or if you plan evil, clap your hand over your mouth!”
Solomon sees a person anticipating that they are about to open their mouth to offer praise for themselves. Before the bragging begins he is advising them to cover their mouth and resist the urge. If you plan to say something negative it is also a good idea to hold your mouth shut. Sometimes I watch the littlest grandchildren actually cup their hands over their lower face when they are about to let something escape their little mouth that they know will get them in trouble. Maturity enters their story as they grow and they just hold their lips tightly shut. As adults Solomon lets us know that we would be wise to do the same. In the last few years I have found myself considering what value is found in many comments, rebukes or observations. Often they are shared with someone as a reminder that, when I reflect on it, was truly useless and only served to hurt someone. I notice at times they are said without real regard for the impact they will have on another. It often is a dart or arrow to the heart of someone that reminds the hearer of the immaturity and arrogance of the speaker. I have come to the studied conclusion that as much as 80% of responses are just mean and useless. I’ve tried to create the habit of reviewing a comment in my mind and spirit before I say it. I truly seek the value in it and if I see none or very little I essentially cover my mouth or swallow the comment. There are way to many hurtful and unnecessary words spoken, especially in marriage, to children and at work, and too few kind and encouraging ones shared. Today speak life or stay silent. #BeTheEdge
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” James 1:19 NIV