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Proverbs 30:32 NIV

By October 30, 2021No Comments

“If you play the fool and exalt yourself, or if you plan evil, clap your hand over your mouth!” 

Over the years I have had numerous events at which I brought in speakers. They have run the gammit of life journeys. They came from film, law enforcement, corporate CEO’s, professional athletes, media celebrities and other professions. One thing that many of them had in common is that they were felons. Part of what made their story powerful was getting caught, convicted and incarcerated for their activity followed by a powerful redemptive experience with God. To a person those who were imprisoned told me that of all the things that led them to that failure in life, pride was a consistent theme. They were very successful, many at the top of their field and believed the lie that it was all about them. They became arrogant, unteachable, smug and prideful. As a result they felt empowered to do whatever they wanted, however they wanted and, some of them, to whoever they wanted. And they fell. They fell hard, publically. St. Gregory compared this person to the anti-Christ. He says in the same way the antichrist will lift himself up only to ultimately be knocked all the way down when the true Savior returns we can all have a tendency to put ourselves on a platform where we don’t belong. If we do he tells us be prepared for a traumatic fall. The point Solomon makes is that at that moment when you begin to realize you’re lifting yourself up put your hand over your mouth, keep quiet, and stay humble. Today recognize who has given you your place of influence and use it for Him. 


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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