“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”
It just doesn’t seem fair does it ladies. I mean really, who wants this description always out there to be compared to? We guys sure don’t. All of us live with our story held next to the perfection of Gods word. Yes, this is a great way to evaluate how you are doing as a wife but we are all called to live exemplary lives of faithful, diligent service to one another. Guys I’m afraid our standard is more concise and even more demanding. We are told to “love our wives as Christ loved the Church and delivered Himself up for her”. Yep, that my friends is a high bar. Thankfully ladies God did not appoint your spouse to hold you to the Proverbs 31 standard. That is there for you to hold yourself to. Sure, He intends for young men to pursue this type of women for a wife but at the point of the ‘I do’ it becomes her job to follow this standard. At that same point guys we are to pursue His directions for our lives of how we love our wives. As throughout scripture if you spend your time on being sure of how you are living for Jesus you will be too busy to judge someone else. Today follow Gods calling on you and He will work on everyone else. #BeTheEdge
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” Ephesians 5:25 NIV