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Proverbs 31:19 NIV

By July 31, 2023No Comments

“In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.” ‭

This is another great aspect of the proverbial Proverbs 31 woman. See what I did there? In all seriousness this is a great model for men and women today. There use to be a show called “Undercover Boss”. Although I was not a viewer I remember the premise was that a companies owner would go undercover in their own company as a regular employee and not only do the job of their average worker but observe the other workers as well. I have a friend who owns a large and successful company where decades ago he started at one of their entry level positions. He worked his way up. On occasion he will still go to work in one of his stores. He loves it but imagine the impact on a regular employee when the owner lines up next to them working shoulder to shoulder. Another CEO of a very large nationwide company has told me to give his cell number to anyone needing help with an issue related to his company and have them give him a call. The Proverbs 31 woman was not above doing any task. Here she weaves the flax into thread with her servants. God wants us to understand that even though we have different roles in life we all have the same job of making His kingdom know and helping usher it into the world. The Biblical Worldview training offered by The Edge is intended for everyone in a business from the owner/CEO to the part time hourly worker to learn together, work together and impact the lost world together on behalf of our Heavenly Father and His Kingdom. Today recognize any task God offers as a gift. #BeTheEdge

“For God does not show favoritism.” Romans‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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