“The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.”
As the Israelites passed into the promised land, God had one tribe, standing on one mountain and another tribe standing on the other that surrounded the pass they walked through. One side shouted down the blessings of obeying him and from the other side they shouting down the curses they would receive for disobedience. He wanted both always rattling in their mind as a powerful reminder of what awaited their actions. He instructions or reminders were not just for the individual who heard them, but for the entire household, and their future children and children’s children for many generations of their households to come. Scripture often reminds us to remember those things that bring about God‘s blessing and presence in our lives, and those things that cut off his presence. it is a powerful truth that if we sin and hang onto it, God chooses not to hear our prayers. That is a frightening way to live. Even though we are under the new testament covenant or dispensation, there are still consequences to what God does and doesn’t participate in during our journey based on willful and unforgiven sin. Walking in obedience to him brings about a life blessed with peace and fruitfulness. And this is not only for us, but promised to our children and our children’s children to 1000 generations. Today walk in obedience and watch him work through your story. #BeTheEdge
“Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.” Psalms 128:1 NIV