“He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.”
Here we go with the mocking people again. It is used to give us a clear picture of the distinction with which Gid views these two extremes, the proud who put others down verses the humble that face oppression in their journey. These two could not be much further apart. We are all one version or the other. There may seem to be a middle ground but there isn’t. There is a great tool we use to use with new believers. It started with a line numbered from one to ten. We would ask the new believers to make a mark on the line indicating their relationship with God at that point. Most put it somewhere in the middle indicating they were in a relationship with Him but had some work to do on winning His acceptance and approval. You are probably ahead of me by now. The purpose of this exercise was to drive home the point that everyone was either at a one or ten. It is pass/fail. If we received his free gift of salvation we are at a ten and if we haven’t, we are at a one. In the same way the basis of that truth is that we are separated from Him because of our pride or we humbly admitted our lostness and need of a savior. We recognized our oppression by sin and the evil one and that by His favor we received His grace and salvation. Today walk humbly with God and walk in His favor. #BeTheEdge
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”Micah 6:8 NIV