“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.”
I was following a truck today with a sticker on its rear window that said, “Salt Life.” My son-in-law has one that says, “Lake Life.” People like to represent their life joys by declaring their love for certain locations or activities. When we ponder what our life is about, we can certainly come up with a long list of loves. Ultimately, life is more about who it belongs to than what we enjoy or find dominates our time. As followers of Christ, we are acutely aware, or certainly should be, that God owns our lives. On the first Christmas He sent the ransom, and on the first Easter He paid it. The loves and enjoyments of our lives should align with His calling on our lives. He built us with certain gifts and bents. Then when we align ourselves with His salvation, we allow Him to live in us, with us, and finally, through us. His expressions fleshed out in our journey are the byproduct of a life bought and paid for in full. Scripture tells us He rescued us and bought us with a price. For every place the Bible tells us God lives in us there are ten places where we see we are in Him. Now we live in our fullest potential because He is our life. Today, walk in His power, strength and calling. #BeTheEdge
“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:4 NIV