“The beginning of wisdom is: acquire wisdom; and with all your acquiring, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 NASB
I have previously said in a devotion that there is no short cut to maturity. It comes with time. It doesn’t necessarily have to be chronological age, but it certainly involves a bit of time, experience, instruction, failure, and humility. I read this verse years ago and thought, “what a silly redundant use of a word or thought.” To acquire wisdom, start by acquiring wisdom. Over time I’ve come to appreciate Solomon’s wisdom in this chapter and especially this verse. We have watched as several kingdom leaders have tapped very young believers with great responsibility. It has occurred often enough over the past few decades to once again appreciate the New Testament caution to “not lay on hands too quickly.” Handing over great kingdom responsibility to the inexperienced is as foolish as handing over much business or government responsibility to the same. It creates a dangerous arrogance that may disguise itself as confidence, and will cost not only the individual but others around them in the end. Taking patient time to prepare and equip both in skill and wisdom is vital for future effective leaders. Today, begin or continue your preparation for what is next by “acquiring wisdom.” #BeTheEdge