“a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,”
These are two of the things Solomon tells us God hates. These two are also linked by the inevitable truth that when God is not in control of a heart it will almost always rush to evil. The heart left to itself, the life controlled by the owner, has wreaked havoc on this planet since Cain killed his brother. We may believe we can control ourselves and for a season that might be true but ultimately our broken and sinful nature will win out. God hates these two because they hurt those He loves and sent His Son to redeem. Sin will damage the lives of those who are controlled by it. It can also impact those who cross paths with them. Ones who take the time and invests their energy in wicked schemes are the darkest kind of souls. In the plotting is a sick delight that is born from the pit of hell. This person displays evil patience in their willful plotting. Those who race into evil are a different kind of dangerous. They are so bent that they don’t even need to consider the consequences of evil, they just want to be a part of it and don’t want to miss out on its destruction. God hates this type of heart and warns us to avoid them. Today live a life that only plans kindness and runs from evil. #BeTheEdge
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1 NIV