“Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.”
Can I just stare the obvious, that if sin didn’t look appealing and if Satan wasn’t crafty most of us would not have any trouble staying away from it…most of the time. If sin looked like a lump of mud with razor blades sticking out of it rather than a delicious chocolate cake we would not be that interested in grabbing hold of it with all that much enthusiasm. Take a second and think through the list. What is it that the evil one uses to try and take you down? Remember that is his single focus, taking all of us down with him. We are warned by Jesus that Satan’s goals are to steal, kill and destroy. That’s it. He serves no other purpose with his existence and to accomplish his goal he will utilize every deceptive trick in the book. Pride, wealth, power, pleasure are just a few of the things he will dress up to look very appealing and seductive. He pays more attention to your weak areas and blind spots than any other enemy and he knows just how to exploit them. One of the most dangerous things we can do is believe we can outwit him. We can’t. However, we serve a God who can and will. When we step away from Satans traps and allow God to intervene we can find rescue and protection. Even victory. Today recognize you are vulnerable and allow God to fight and win your battles. #BeTheEdge
“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.” 2 Timothy 4:18a NIV