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Proverbs 8:22 NIV

By November 8, 2021No Comments

““The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old;” 

Solomon makes it clear that wisdom existed with God before anything else. We often think of wisdom as coming into existence as mankind needed it. We now see that wisdom was there at the beginning of time. Wisdom was with the Trinity for the launch of it all. Wisdom was a key piece of God’s creative process. This expanded understanding of wisdom’s role in the universe should help to elevate it’s importance in every area and at every moment of our life. This same wisdom, not a worn out or watered down version of it, was integral to God’s existence. We should live in such a say that we recognize that. There is no wisdom or wise living apart from God as it’s source. With that being true we need to seek out and then live by God’s wise counsel in every moment of every day. All truth we try to live by finds it’s source in God and therefore is wise. The reason love is patient, kind and everything else we find in Paul’s writing to the Corinthians is a reflection of wisdom. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace and the rest because that is a wise gift. Wisdom is deeply imbedded in the truth and reality of God. Wisdom is not just in this book, it is in all 66 books of God’s word. If you find unwise counsel, you are reading the wrong books. Today live in God’s wisdom and live the eternal. #BeTheEdge

““Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man….” Jesus

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