“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
One of the things that has truly inspired me since becoming a Christian so many years ago is the obvious picture of the God of the New Testament and Jesus that we clearly find in the Old Testament. I have at times written at length about wisdom, describing her characteristics as though it was a person. Solomon does the same. There is a great parallel between the wisdom of the O.T. and Jesus throughout the New Testament. Many theologians see them as one and the same. We certainly get a clearer look at the person of Jesus in the fullness of our understanding of the O.T.’s portrayal of Wisdom. In Matthew 5 we see Jesus extolling the value of Wisdom. He knows it is a vital part of the follower of God’s journey. James, the brother of Jesus, boldly proclaims the availability of God’s wisdom if we just ask for it. He also reiterates the fact that God alone is the source of all wisdom. In both yesterday and today’s devotions you will see I am singularly focused on wisdom, what it is, where it comes from and it’s value. I find myself inspired and challenged to share this because it can be easy to lose sight of that in all the peripheral truths that spring to mind while reading and studying the Proverbs. Today revisit the simplicity and power in God’s wisdom. #BeTheEdge
“…Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:24b NIV