“Wisdom has built her house; she has set up its seven pillars.”
For a number of years we did a fund raiser in an intimate setting with “Iron Chef” David Bancroft. Chef Bancroft is not only a friend but he is an amazing chef and follower of Christ. What made this work was the special nature of the event coupled with David’s teaching and presentation of the different food items. A doctor who attended once described it as a mixture of science lesson, Bible study and feast. Who doesn’t love a delicious feast. Back in Solomon’s day he certainly understood what that looked like but the majority of people in his kingdom had never, and probably would never, experience it. But they dreamed. This verse sets the location for a coming feast. In this verse we see that the pillars, God’s perfect number of pillars, have been erected and the show place is ready to receive the guests and deliver the feast. Building has a very significant place throughout scripture. Not only are there elaborate descriptions of the building process and buildings throughout the Old Testament we also see God as the builder of the universe and Jesus as the builder of the church. Jesus actually went through preparation for His ministry as a builder. What the King James translates as carpenter was the word for builder. What we see is a God who builds and prepares feasts with His people. In a world hungry, both physic and spiritually, as well as busy tearing down anything that reflects the eternal, steps a God who offers the solution for both. Today receive His gifts and join Him in building up and feeding those you encounter. #BeTheEdge
“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” Hebrews 3:4 NIV