“She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.”
We have always enjoyed hosting friends at our house. I actually built my current home with the idea that we would have couples who were needing a quiet get away be able come stay with us. Over the next couple weeks friends from Colorado and Oregon will be coming to stay. In preparation to be a good host I just finished reading an article titled, “13 tips on How to Be a Great Host”. Good stuff. Solomon uses the image of a good hostess to communicate how welcoming and intentional God’s wisdom is brought into our story. He prepares this irresistible feast in a beautiful way to help us realize what He offers. In this example it is not long after we begin diving into God’s wisdom that the necessity of the surroundings are replaced by the depth and truth God offers. God doesn’t need to entice us with anything to convince us His wisdom is powerful. Once we see His brilliance in action in our life we are either sold on it or lost in our arrogance. As I long for those I host to experience the rest, relaxation and recreation God desires for them, so to God desires these things for His followers. He knows they are found in walking wisely. Today let the hospitality of God bless your journey. #BeTheEdge
“Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.” Jesus.