Be the Edge
Our mission is to help business leaders influence their corporate culture for the Kingdom.
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We believe that every believer in business is a minister in their business, called to be light, salt, and love, and is as essential in the kingdom of God, and in some ways more essential, as the pastor in their church. We are a ministry that gives itself away, all of our services and materials are free for amyomne to use.
When a business leader knows their identity in Christ, that is, who they are and what God created them to do, they discover a confidence that influences all their relationships. It is In that identity that they discover the joy and what they should be doing.
Integrity is more important than ever. We teach leaders to tell the truth, to tell their truth, and to run from their secrets. Too many leaders have violated the public trust, their board’s trust, their employee’s trust, their client’s, customer’s, and vendor’s trust. When a leader lives honesty at any cost, they stand out and stand up.
Eternal Perspective
When leaders think eternally (some call it infinite thinking), think long term, outside the box, optimistically, they will see opportunities they have been missing, it will have a powerful kingdom impact on every aspect of their leadership. People are eternal beings, staff, clients, etc., and will take on a whole new value.

The Edge @ Harbert
Our mission is to encourage and train business leaders to pursue five easy-to-understand hallmarks that enable them to become more Christ-like in their own lives and influence their corporate culture for the Kingdom.
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The Edge Daily sends a daily verse from Proverbs, along with an uplifting interpretation of how that verse can be applied to our daily lives.
Know Your Rights in the Workplace
Understand your rights according to the ACLJ for sharing your faith in the workplace.
A Ministry That Gives Itself Away
Who We Are
We trust business leaders to be or to be becoming excellent at their business and we laser focus on their Kingdom presence in the marketplace. Knowing that as a result of properly aligning their life and business practices with Jesus call on their life will impact their excellence in business.
Our DistinctivesOur MissionGet Connected
Join us in daily proverbs for a spiritual refresher. The proverbs provide encouragement and guidance for demonstrating your faith in daily life.