A little confession time. I know nonbelievers like to argue about Christianity by trying to point out things they say are”untrue” in the Bible. Unless they are seeking my input I just try to ignore them. However, when I read this verse my first instinct is to say, “no they don’t!” Feel free to add a little snotty attitude to that response and you get the idea. I immediately catch myself and remember this is Gods Word I’m saying that about. You see I just don’t want to believe mockers of the faith truly seek wisdom. I understand they don’t find it but the idea that those who mock God really seek wisdom didn’t sit well with me. The reality is that while they seek it, they are looking in all the wrong places. With God being the sole source of all wisdom, unless their search begins with Him they will come up empty. However, those of us with a heart for the lost should never mock, discourage or begrudge the search. In the searching we all discovered Him. It is only when the empty answers on that journey leave us broken and desperate that we humbly look to the only source of all true wisdom. Today stay humble and searching. #BeTheEdge
“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalms 25:9 NIV