As I was studying this verse in preparation for writing this short devotional thought, I found myself led into reading about 15 of the most notorious dictators of the 20th century. They all rose to absolute power through fear, cruelty, and other horrific atrocities. Every one of them eventually lost their power and control and died in humiliating and awful circumstances. It is easy to look at names like Gaddafi, Hitler, Amin, and the like and recognize that they got what they deserved. But what about Smith, Jones, Wilson, or dare I say Flannagan? Maybe we are not capable of the level of atrocities represented on the list of 15, but I am acutely aware of the fact that, pushed or persecuted, I am prone to respond and attack. One of the things that holds me in check is the presence of God’s indwelling Spirit, but also the fact that our behavior will catch up to us. Today, choose to be an instrument of God’s peace and joy and let the consequences of that catch up to you.
“Lord make me an instrument of your peace…” St Francis