I recently watched negotiations between two Christian ministries. Not sure they should have to be negotiating, but whatever the case, I was surprised by how contentious it got. The one seemingly in control of the negotiations appeared to be trying to take advantage of the other party, almost in a sense of punishing them. At one point I asked, in view of how this whole thing was reflecting on the Kingdom of God, what their strategy was. I was met with a blank stare. I think winning, proving a point, maybe even punishing the weaker was the unspoken goal. Then a suggestion was made that they look for “the kindest common denominator.” Look for what would bless the weaker of the two. The power of that approach would overwhelm anyone observing the situation and speak volumes about the heart of the people and their ministry. Today look for the kindest response available to you and watch God smile.
“This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” Jesus