I heard a pastor say yesterday there is a self-righteousness that is comfortable with saying “I don’t lie,” “I’m not racist,” “I don’t steal.” There is a God-righteousness that says, “I’m anti-lying,” “I’m anti-racism,” “I’m anti-stealing.” In other words, as God followers we must hate what He hates and love what He loves. Very clearly, Solomon tells us that fearing or revering God is evidenced by our hatred, like His, of evil. Evil caused the fall of man and sin to enter the world. Evil nailed our Savior to the cross. Evil destroys innocence. Whether we are talking about sex trafficking, child abuse, murder, racism, or lying, God calls us not just to avoid doing these things, He tells us to take a bold position of hating them. We don’t hate them because they are wrong or bad, though that would seem to be reason enough. No, we hate them for the reason He does. They destroy the ones He loves, His creation – us. All of us. The actor, the acted upon, and the audience are all victims of the evil. Sin kills, while God is the Author and Sustainer of life. He calls us to stand against sin, it may be abortion, sex trafficking, racism, or something else. But just as importantly He calls us to stand for Him. Today, don’t just avoid sin; work actively where He calls you to defeat it, and stand boldly for your God. #BeTheEdge
“…And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8b NASB