“We need Jesus now more than ever!” I heard this yesterday. At first glance with the stresses that we are facing in our country and lives today we may be tempted to agree. However, our state of lostness has nothing to do with the world around us. It is completely driven by the brokenness in our soul, the lostness within us. It was initiated at the Fall when Adam and Eve started us down a road of rebellion against our Creator God. There have certainly been times in the history of the world that our individual need for a savior has coalesced around causes, issues, and movements that bring a public awareness of our brokenness to light in profoundly ugly ways. That being true doesn’t change the eternal truth that we are no more or less lost and desperate in our eternal separation and sin today than we were during the most profound times of peace and prosperity, if there ever really was such a thing. We all need salvation through Jesus today and until we receive that powerful, life-changing free gift, we will need it tomorrow, as well. If you have accepted His gift you now need to live as a person who is redeemed in a fallen world. One beggar showing another beggar where to find bread, as Brennen Manning so eloquently put it. Today, recognize your lostness without Jesus and live in His power and love with Him. #BeTheEdge
“But God…when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” Ephesians 2:4-5 NASB