“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.”
Yesterday as I was posting my daily devotion from Proverbs on social media, as I do daily, I made the mistake of looking at my twitter feed. I had not thought about the impact that the elections from the day before would have on the posts. Oh, the minute I saw them I realized my mistake. In about 30 seconds I saw some pretty vile and abrasive comments. It broke my heart. However, right in the midst of them I saw a beautiful picture of the sun breaking through the clouds with this verse in the center, “I am with you.” (Haggai 1:13) Perfect. I quickly got off social media for the day. Maybe for the month. This post was a reflection of a righteous heart. A person who truly saw the big picture. The biggest. Whether they were aware of it or not their biblical worldview was not run by politics. It actually informed their politics and everything else. In doing so they remind all of us that no matter who wins elections, or who runs the company, God is still present in and through the lives of His people. No outcome surprises Him and He is still in control of the universe as well as our today and our future. I thank the, Lord for those voices speaking His truth in the darkness of the world. Today let’s all speak life. #BeTheEdge
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6 NIV