“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”
Don’t read this as discouraging hard work. It isn’t. Solomon makes a distinction between God’s blessings in our life and all the other good things that come from hard work. First, His blessings could never be earned. WIth His greatest blessing and gift being eternal life with Him as a free gift through the sacrifice of His son. No amount of effort or attempt to tip the scales to earn salvation could ever get us there. Second, all the blessings of the fruit of His indwelling Spirit come to us as a byproduct of His gracious salvation. Even business blessings are a gift from God. Many toil apart from a relationship with Him and often find the fruits of their labor lacking or at the very least dissatisfying. Knowing all our blessings are eventually tied directly to our Creator God is one of the reasons The Edge Biblical Worldview company states “We openly praise God for our successes and failures”. We understand that everything we encounter as we live and work for God is a blessing in His sovereign design. God wants to bless His children. Today recognize that and walk in it. #BeTheEdge
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”Romans 8:28 NIV