“For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.”
The ‘me’ in this verse is wisdom. God equates finding wisdom with finding life. That sounds like enough but, oh no, he goes on. We not only get life but we also receive favor from God as well. How could we say no? In New Testament reality we know that this is finding Jesus and receiving the abundant, overflowing life He promises to His followers. More importantly, when we find Him we receive eternal life. The word used in this verse implies “to draw it out from the very heart of God”. It’s like water from a well. It is hidden in the heart of God and when we receive Him we receive access to His wisdom. It begins to unfold before us and manifest itself in our lives. It also means we enjoy it continually and without limit. Wow! Conversely, it is an amazing reality that some have hearts so darkened by the evil one that they choose to ignore the promise of God and instead to pursue short term pleasure and long term disappointment and emptiness. For those of us who are followers of God our lives should reflect these eternal blessings from the very heart and hand of God so the world recognizes something different in our lives. Today walk in the life and favor of God. #BeTheEdge
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus