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Proverbs 10:32 NIV

“The lips of the righteous know what finds favor, but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse.”

In preparation for today’s devotional I read this in ‘Let God Be True’, “A godly man knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. He makes sure his words and speech are acceptable to others, and they love him for it.” I am sitting here mourning the loss of a great man. This quote may summarize him as well as many we will hear over the next days and weeks. My life has been altered over the past few decades by a number of conversations but few have impacted my life as much as a couple I had with him. We are reminded throughout scripture of the power of words. Most of us have a few conversations that we have had in our lives that continue to either haunt us or bless us as we recall them. And recall them to mind we do at crucial moments in our lives because of who said them, how they were said and when. They have been imprinted on our soul. God’s word has had and continues to have that effect on me. I can’t always quote the chapter and verse, thankfully technology has made that less necessary, but I can always remember the content and context thanks to the Holy Spirit planting His truth deep in my spirit. I will miss this man deeply while celebrating his counsel. I will always remember the words of our Lord that I’m sure this gentleman heard yesterday morning, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. Today watch your words and cherish those from God and His righteous followers. #BeTheEdge

“Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.” Psalms‬ ‭112‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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