“The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, King of Israel:” Proverbs 1:1 NASB
Solomon and David were two very different men in a lot of ways. There is no question that the son inherited both the good and bad traits or ‘bents’ of the father. Solomon took David’s problem with fidelity and expanded it to a degree that is hard to fathom. However, where David’s life and reign as King was tumultuous and passion filled, Solomon’s was very peaceful and prosperous. Solomon had time to be a contemplative writer, and in this book, he shows that he was. I have spent years reading through the book of Proverbs chapter by chapter on a daily basis. Solomon in this first chapter makes it clear that this book was compiled with the intent that it be read and pondered over and over. The goal being that simple truths would plant deep in our spirit and guide our steps through the journey of life giving clear, sound guidance for each step. All of God’s word is profitable for us to know and internalize. No part is more important than another, but the sayings of Solomon were intentionally designed to be reviewed over and over to instruct us in how to live lives of quiet prosperity, which is not a bad prescription for our troubled world. The more people living these truths, the more peace we will find not only in our lives but in our journey with others. Today, recommit to reading a chapter of Proverbs daily and sharing this daily devotion with others in your story. #BeTheEdge
Every so often I will encourage you to share these proverbs either by cutting and pasting them in a text or group text to others in your life or encouraging them to download The Edge Daily app. The app has a share button at the top of each day’s devotional, as well. It can also be shared on your social media. Let’s get our world internalizing Solomon’s words of God’s truth, daily. #BeTheEdge – Kevin