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Proverbs 1:1 NIV

By March 31, 2024No Comments

“The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:”

A number of you have been receiving these short devotions from Proverbs for years. Today I deviate from the usual pattern of content. Sure there will still be the routine things going on throughout the world however as followers of Jesus we know something powerful is being reflected on, even celebrated today. Here it is. “Jesus is a storyteller a master storyteller. But the stories he shares are not the kind we are used to hearing. Jesus uses parables, a form not often told in Western cultures. We’re accustomed to stories that have a beginning, a middle, and an end “happily ever after, ” if possible. A parable, on the other hand, sets the scene, continues with an odd detail here and a subtle hint there, and, just when we expect it to end it doesn’t. It leaves us hanging waiting, hoping, wondering. Parables are meant to throw us off-kilter, to make us wonder “if, ” to call us to conversion.” (Megan McKenna) In the same way He told stories as Jesus’s walk on earth ended He left the story open ended. Then He emptied the tomb. Still the story wasn’t over. For the sake of brevity let’s recognize that at every stage, resurrection, ascension, launch of the church on through your salvation and possible death the story is not finished. Will if end in eternity? Even the word itself seems to suggest not. So today we celebrate the beginning with no end. Jesus rose so we could live forever. Today embrace the gift and the journey. #BeTheEdge

“He is not here; he has risen!” Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭6‬a NIV‬‬

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