“we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder;”
As we set goals for the new year they tend to be plans for a correction in our journey. Perhaps we have not taken proper care of our body so we make a goal (often not for the first time) to do better. Plans to hit the gym more, eat healthier, get more rest and other similar changes are regular New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s in the area if finance. We adjust our spending habits or our savings plan or even our giving. It could be the year you strategize breaking bad habits. In this verse Solomon zeroes in clearly on that one. Many of our bad habits start with who we choose to be around. This verse is the extension of the earlier part of the chapter where Solomon describes the intentions of sinful people. He talks of the things they will entice us to participate in. Then he directly and boldly tells us to steer clear of them. This is not a message to ignore the lost. We are clearly told to try and influence them for the Kingdom. This is more about avoiding those who seek to drag you down to their evil level. Today review your relationship and see who to steer clear of. #BeTheEdge
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”” 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV