“With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape”
Solomon wants you to know that God gives you a truth detector, His Word and the Holy Spirit. The lies and deceptions of “the godless” should never be a risk for us. But, they are aren’t they? Even though as followers of Christ we have the indescribable gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit we are susceptible to the ear tickling lies we would like to believe. A defining distinctive of The Edge ministry companies and leaders is that they approach life and business with a Biblical Worldview. This involves knowing what the Bible reveals about God, the world and us. If we understand those things then it is very difficult for the godless to destroy us. We will recognize the lies of the broken and fallen world as opposed to the Truth of our Heavenly Father and respond appropriately. It seems lies are being offered as truth daily. It is incumbent on us to be so in-tune with God’s truth and His Spirit that we recognize something is off in the deception. For years I have been told that to prepare their agents to identify counterfeit bills the treasury department has them become so familiar with the genuine bills that they can immediately spot what is false about a fake. We need to do the same with God’s truth. Today study His truth and let it be your filter on this broken world. #BeTheEdge
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalms 119:105 NIV