“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”
An article in an 1897 magazine tells of a prank. “This story has been attributed to Mr. Conan Doyle: A friend of his had often been told that there is a skeleton in the cupboard of every household, no matter how respectable that household may be; and he determined to put this opinion to a practical test. Selecting for the subject of his experiment a venerable Archdeacon of the Church, against whom the most censorious critic had never breathed a word, he went to the nearest post-office, and dispatched a telegram to the revered gentleman: ‘All is discovered! Fly at once!’ The Archdeacon disappeared, and has never been heard of since.” There are other versions of this type of story. No one appears to be sure if any are true. Is it ok if I hope they are? I shouldn’t be entertained by them but I’m afraid I am. I’ve pondered what a note like that would mean to me. What about you? Would you be tempted to flee? I have a friend who received and email that instructed him to send bit coins to a certain account or all his web searches would be sent to his entire contact list. We had a lengthy counseling session after that. Today live a life of integrity and find the freedom that kind of living offers. #BeTheEdge
““But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23 NIV