“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.”
Last year Calvary Heights wrote this about this passage, “One person has an AFFECTION for Perfection, which is why he LOVES instruction. The other person has an AFFECTION for Preservation, why is why he HATES reproof.” Thats an interesting perspective. Let God Be True simplifies it this way, “In order to love knowledge, you must love to be taught by others.” Both of these hit at the core of this verse. God clearly expects His followers to embrace learning and growing. At the heart of The Edge ministry is learning from other business leaders how to more effectively take their faith into their marketplaces. We recognized from the start that men and women with years of experience in living out their faith in business leadership had experiences and insights of great value to others in similar roles. To take advantage of these leaders means admitting that you need what they have. Owning the need to learn, to accept correction and redirection is not only a sign of humility, it’s a sign of growing wisdom. Our culture has lifted youth almost to a place of worship. The kingdom recognizes the value in elders. There is no shortcut to wisdom and maturity. Today learn something. #BeTheEdge
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jesus